Greeting Letter From Azerbaijan's First Ambassador To The US Hafiz Pashayev, On The Occasion of ASA's 55th Anniversary

Dear Tomris khanim,

I would like to take this opportunity and congratulate you and the Board members of the Azerbaijan Society of America with 55th anniversary of the establishment of the organization. As Azerbaijan's first ambassador in the US, I very much relied on the support of the diaspora organizations in promoting the interests of our republic in the US. In this regard, your efforts and activities have been priceless. You have worked tirelessly to develop US-Azerbaijan partnership links, support our students in the US, promote information about Karabakh conflict, defend our interests both at the government and societal levels. I thank you for your dedication and patriotism and want to wish you all the best in your future activities. We are happy to see the growth of ASA and put much hopes for its development in the future.


Hafiz Pashayev


Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy


Congratulation letter from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (NY)


Azerbaijani Flag was Flown on Connecticut State Capital