Azerbaijan Society of America

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Happy New Year, Happy Solidarity Day!

Happy New Year, Happy Solidarity Day!

New Year with peace, nostalgia and aspirations and solidarity, unity, diversity for a strong, vibrant community.

Embracing diversity, tolerance, understanding and working with other communities will lead our community to greater prosperity and together we will be stronger. This is the mission of Azerbaijan Society of America.

Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA) is and always was an organization composed of a diverse community. The founding fathers of ASA were forced to join the Soviet military at a very young age and sent to Europe to fight the Axis in WWII. After the war ended, they did not want to go back to Soviet Azerbaijan, so they stayed in Europe and married local ladies. There were many wives from Italy, Germany and Austria, and they were all respected and accepted by the community of Azerbaijanis. Our members were of diverse faiths; Jewish, Christian and Muslim. On every holiday we respected every member, every guest in our community center and celebrated every holiday with traditions and practices that included those of a secular nature. We grew up in this environment, where we had unity, respect, acceptance of every community and every religion. Our doors were open; we all worshiped together, talked and solved problems together.

All the years we hoped for a new community center where everyone could once again come together and form a strong community. In meetings, we planned to have a non-denominational worship room, where our children could learn from each other. We continue to hope for such an ideal place, to be used by our community and supporters.

A brand-new year is upon us and with the start of a new year comes the evaluations of the previous year and the creation of New Year’s resolutions and plans. New hopes and wishes. ASA does have many plans for innovation. Getting involve with other diaspora communities to build stronger support, opportunities, mutual learning and focusing on common interests is just one of them.

The past few years were certainly a very difficult pandemic year for the entire world, and like no other in our lifetime. The coronavirus pandemic spreading across the world and deeply touching many lives, Azerbaijani community was also affected by this virus. We wish to express our sincerest condolences to the families who have lost loved ones. Even when we were forced to cancel many of our plans and events, we always look back and appreciate the support and encouragement we receive from our supporters. We like to simply but sincerely say THANK YOU!

Cheers to Happy, Healthy New Year!
Happy Solidarity Day of the World Azerbaijanis!

"Azerbaijan is our home away from home"